Sunday, 2 May 2010

Views on housing, tourism, NHS; most important issue for the constituency; submissions to West Briton

The candidates for Truro and Falmouth were asked by the West Briton and Falmouth Packet , over several weeks, to write about their views on a range of issues affecting the constituency. These are my published submissions:

Introduction: ProfileI am standing for this election as I believe the Green Party alone can make a real difference. I live on the Roseland, I am married with two children.
For several weeks the Green Party have run a Saturday street stall on alternate weeks in Truro and Falmouth. We leaflet shoppers about our campaign, and have been truly overwhelmed by the positive response.
People are sick of the main ‘grey’ parties, their corruption, and the dull predictable answers to the major issues of the day. We worry about the rise of the right through UKIP and BNP-their answers too simplistic, based on ignorance, racism and xenophobia. No wonder nearly 50% fail to vote.
We propose to protect public services from cuts. The deficit must be paid by the wealthy paying more and closing tax loopholes exploited by big business. We have a new economic strategy based on sustainable economics not unsustainable growth and massive debt. We will build affordable rentable homes for locals, but have higher taxes on second and investment homes. We will invest in education and public transport. We are the only party serious about combating climate change by developing a low carbon economy. We will withdraw our troops from Afghanistan, and believe in a truly ethical foreign policy. We support greater autonomy for Cornwall and keeping our fire, ambulance and NHS services local.
Greens promise a refreshing and credible alternative. A vote for us is a vote for a positive future for Cornwall and our country.'

A well-kept environment is vital to the people of Cornwall and the tourism industry. What can be done to protect it from over-development?
'Cornwall has a unique culture and environment. Ill thought out development threatens to destroy Cornwall, and seldom benefits local people. The current ‘creep’ of development threatens Cornwall becoming little different from elsewhere.

Truro is becoming an urban sprawl. Large private housing developments are not intended for local people. New superstores destroy local businesses in our communities. Anti social behaviour of some tourists, visiting towns like Newquay, make life miserable. Excessive house prices in our villages caused by second and holiday home ownership are equally damaging.

It is not too late. As your MP I would work to ensure there are strict planning controls to limit development which threatens our natural environment. Similar controls must ensure housing is affordable for local people. We must reverse the trend that threatens villages such as Portloe becoming middle class theme parks-open and occupied for school and bank holidays only.

Cornwall must put the needs of local people first, not the needs of developers and big business. We must preserve the attributes that make Cornwall special. That is Cornwall’s attraction and why many come to visit. Everyone is welcome to come in their thousands as long as they treat Cornwall with the reverence it deserves'.

In view of the issues over the planned transfer of upper GI cancer services to Devon, what do you see as the biggest challenges and priorities for the NHS in Cornwall?
Cornwall is angry about loosing our cancer services. Only health service managers are happy; mesmerised by management fashion of centralising services into ‘hubs’ and ‘centres of excellence.’ Nobody thought about the impact on patients travelling from Truro or Penzance. Travelling to Derriford is not easy by car, bus or train- especially for distressed patients undergoing treatments for potentially life threatening illnesses.

The NHS is a great achievement. It must be protected and cherished. Labour reversed eighteen years of Tory misrule of under investment and neglect. We must not forget what the Tories did to our country and public services. The Tories have not changed-despite the new image and rhetoric. Labour isn’t innocent either; there are now 40,000 managers in the NHS. Labour wasted millions on failed computer systems, and expensive ‘Private Finance Initiative’ projects.

We must reduce the national deficit but must protect local public services. We can cut bureaucracy and waste, but must maintain good public services through a more progressive tax system. Patients and medical staff must have more say how the NHS is run. NHS services must be delivered locally, and democratically controlled by the people of Cornwall. A Green government, and myself would deliver this promise.

What should be done to help normal working people afford to live in the places where they grew up?Cornish house prices are scandalous and unaffordable. Development must focus on the needs of local people. Many developments aim at existing homeowners, and those moving here. Many local people don’t wish to pay high rents for substandard housing, but cannot afford to buy.

As your MP I would ensure housing:
1. Is affordable. Where possible housing is built on ‘brown field sites' to protect our countryside.
2. Rebuilds local communities. Small scale developments in local communities are much better than large developments that do not focus on local needs.
3. Development focuses on affordable part-rent/part buy, and 100% rentable accommodation. Tenancies are secure to minimise the uncertainty of regular eviction.
4. In tourist areas housing is more affordable for locals. Planning permission restrictions; additional purchase and land taxes are introduced for investment/ second home/ holiday let property. This would deflate house prices and be a deterrent to property speculators.
5. Is prioritised for locals. As in the Channel Islands some housing should be restricted for locals-again reducing price inflation.
A key priority for me would be for everyone to have a decent home and to reduce the migration of our young people. This would ensure a sustainable future for Cornwall.
What would you and your party do to secure high quality sustainable employment opportunities for people in Cornwall ?
In the 1980’s Conservative policies decimated heavy and manufacturing industry. Labour has provided some help during this recession, but there are still two and a half million people unemployed. Our country has too high a dependence on the service and finance sectors.

We would reduce corporation tax to 20% for small businesses to help them blossom. Our Green New Deal would provide financial stimulus to create a million new jobs in a range of Green and NewTech industries, renewable energy, as well as building social housing and proper waste management. We would support the manufacturing and engineering sector to make long lasting, useful sustainable goods people need. We would support Falmouth docks to provide world class shipbuilding and repair facilities. Our talented people will benefit from Green investment to ensure Cornwall has a sustainable future, not one based on the boom and bust cycles of free market economics.

What do you believe is the single most important issue facing your constituency today?

Truro and Falmouth needs an MP with honesty, integrity and independence. The expenses scandal, double standards, and Ashcroft’s dodgy Tory donations make us furious. Camborne rots while Julia Goldsworthy has a £1000 rocking chair on us. The ‘grey’ parties are all the same, fighting to say who will cut expenditure the most, while we will all suffer when public services are cut. Meanwhile big businesses pay little or no tax, and the bankers, who caused the mess, continue to receive get big bonuses. The ‘grey’ parties MP’s vote with their leaderships; few MP’s would do otherwise- they don’t want to damage their ‘careers’.
It’s time for real change, not some Tory PR exercise of ‘change’. Greens have a progressive alternative. We will be totally honest what we think and do. We have radical but realistic plans to solve the environmental and financial crises. We stand up for ordinary people. We have no links with business or other groups. We recently gained a council seat in Suffolk with a 33% swing from the Tories, a vote for us counts. We need change, and the Green Party and I are the real deal. We deserve a chance and won’t let you down.

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