Saturday, 3 April 2010

Discust at Cornwall Council and Diocese of Truro Decision to sell Devoran Old School to Private Developer

Letter to West Briton Re: Village Anger as old school sale proceeds

It is appalling that the Diocese of Truro and Cornwall Council have accepted a private bid to purchase Devoran Old School against the wishes of the people of Devoran. The authority’s decision is made even more disgraceful because the building was originally gifted to the village for educational purposes, and this is specifically noted in the property's deeds (West Briton 25.3.2010).

I always thought Cornwall Council’s purpose was to serve the people of Cornwall. I also understood the Tory led administration made their intentions clear to improve our lives according to what people wanted, after four years of Liberal Democrat control? Seems this is an example of politics as usual.? I hope the people of Cornwall will remember this latest let down, when they are asked to vote shortly.

As for the Diocese they should be utterly ashamed of themselves. Has it forgotten what is written in the Bible? What would Jesus think of this decision? I seem to remember the Bible story of Jesus turning the traders and money lenders out of the temple. Here the church has clearly put profit before the needs of the local community, has totally ignored the wishes of the benefactors, and gone against what is legally outlined in the deeds of the property. If there is a God, may these decision makers be judged come their time.

This decision again highlights what we have seen time and time again. Our villages and towns are having their souls ripped out by those looking for a quick buck and there is a complete lack of planning controls to protect local communities. This is a clear case of the needs of the local population being ignored-even with the consequence that Devoran may become no more than a dormitory for the commuters to work in Truro.

It does not look like this latest ‘property deal’ is yet complete. This building should be used for the local people at least as a community space, and preferably according to the wishes of the family which originally donated it. We should all show our support to this community. All parishioners of the Church of England should write to the Bishop in protest, and if necessary boycott church services. I will personally be writing to the Bishop, and we should all do the same. The church must ensure this decision is reversed before it is too late. As electors we must remember the Tories have not changed despite the spin, image change and the public relations work Cameron is trained in. We all need to remember this as another example why not to vote for them in the general election. If I am elected as your MP I would do my utmost to protect our village and town communities from those who are only too keen to put profit before the needs of the community.

If you feel strongly about this issue please email your local councillor via Cornwall Council's website ( Also email the Bishop of Truro via ( Information on the issues can also be found via the Devoran Village Website at

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