Saturday, 26 June 2010

Our Lib Dem MP's have let us down

I was disappointed by our Liberal Democrats MP’s reaction to the budget (West Briton 24/06/10). To describe the government’s action as a ‘step forward’ that will lead to a ‘fairer economy’ is a significant let down to ordinary people. This is particularly the case in Cornwall, which as we know is one of the poorest areas in Western Europe. The budget also failed to say anything about how we could develop a greener, fairer economic strategy away from greedy ‘boom and bust ‘ economics all three major parties clearly agree on. The ‘ostrich position’ was also clearly adopted in regard to the impending fundamental twin risks of energy crisis and climate change- just as if they do not exist. Still as long as the wealthy, the media, the markets and big business are happy-does it really matter?

Where now do ordinary people turn, let down by thirteen years of Labour, as well as now by the Lib Dems ?. The Lib Dems clearly said a vote for them was the only way to stop the Tories but now are only too keen to break so many promises in their pursuit for power.

The West Briton clearly reports the budget will result in a reduction of £3.8 million in grants to Cornwall Council which will undoubtly have a direct impact on its ability to provide vital services to ordinary people, which are clearly too stretched as it is.

It is not debatable that the national deficit needs significant reduction. Despite some good policy initiatives, the Labour government’s implementation of policy was often ill thought out and wasteful. It is not reasonable for the Labour Party to now carp about the coalition programme of cuts. They too planned a similar programme of cuts, albeit slower, if elected.

During the election campaign, the main parliamentary candidates in Truro and Falmouth promised, if elected, they would ensure many major improvements would occur, for example, regarding housing, our environment and to public transport etc.. They were disingenuous in order to win your vote. They all failed to claim how their promises would be funded, knowing once elected a ‘slash and burn‘ approach to public expenditure would be adopted.

I am pleased to say the Green MP for Brighton, Caroline Lucas, has along with the Welsh and Scottish nationalists been scornful of the current approach to deficit reduction. The Lib Dem- Conservative coalition is happy to allow public expenditure to be cut by a ratio of £4 to every £1 of tax rises. Cuts in public expenditure impacting vital services disproportionately negatively affects poorer people more than the wealthy. The budget will create a more unfair, unequal society despite the evidence that the more equal a society, the happier people, irrespective of wealth, generally are.

Our Lib Dem MP’s have clearly let us down, and I hope people will not trust them, the Conservatives or Labour in future elections. The Green Party would have cut waste, but we were the only party who said we would introduce a more progressive tax system to tackle the deficit yet maintain the public services we all need and benefit from.

I am afraid ordinary people in Cornwall will be disproportionately and negatively affected by the actions of this coalition. Despite being will trained in presentation skills we did not expect anything more from the Conservatives. However, happy in the ‘Westminster Bubble’ our Lib Dem MP’s have clearly forgotten their Cornish roots and the problems of Cornish people. There is a real risk that even more people will not bother to vote in future knowing that all the political parties really are ‘all the same’. However I try to be positive and hope next time people in Cornwall will follow the example of the people of Brighton in electing Green MP’s that will not let them down.